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Greencrops, Sweet Clover Organic

Excellent biennial legume greenmanure and
honeyplant. Aromatic yellow blooms attract bees.
Produces foliage capable of growing and spreading
over 2m/6ft. Will re-seed itself. Meliotis Biennial

Greencrops, Sweet Clover Organic

Excellent biennial legume greenmanure and
honeyplant. Aromatic yellow blooms attract bees.
Produces foliage capable of growing and spreading
over 2m/6ft. Will re-seed itself. Meliotis Biennial

Size SKU Price Quantity Availability
450 grams 4864A $16.95
Available to order
2 kilos 4864B $48.95
Available to order
5 kilos 4864C $69.95
Available to order
10 kilos 4864D $153.65
Available to order
22.5 kilos 4864E $295.25
Available to order