Due to a large influx of orders our shipping is 4 weeks

About us

We are a family run company located just outside of Dundas, Ontario, Canada, supplying small farmers and gardeners in Canada with seed for food, flowers and soil building. It is our great pride to offer a varied catalogue of many different seed varieties. We value the old and traditional, like Lucullus Swiss Chard an item listed in our first price list and our current catalogue. Our team is elated when we trial a new variety and find that its productivity or plant health will bring more food to your plate. We smile when a customer finds an item in our store that reminds them of home, their childhood, their roots.

Our story begins with a husband and wife team, William and Maria Dam. Maria wrote about staerting the company in the 60th edition of our catalogue, she has since passed on shortly after her 100th birthday.

From Maria Dam:

Papa (Wim) and I immigrated to Canada on the Waterman in June of 1947. We met while working for the same seed company Turkenburg in Bodegraven, Holland. He started there in 1935, but I was already working in the office before he came. Other employees told me that the baas(boss) had hired a good-looking assistant manager, but I wasn't too interested at first. We married in 1938. Wim was on active duty during the mobilization (World War 2) when our oldest daughter Joan was born. The war and 5 years of occupation started in May of 1940. Wim was actively involved in resistance activities including the hiding of fugitives and transport of weapons. Sometimes he had to hide. A very anxious time.

Yes, then we started the seed company on the kitchen table in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. Sometimes we checked orders while taking care of children. Many Immigrants had to improvise and make do with what we had at hand in those days. We only moved 3 times. And we were blessed in so many ways.


William Dam Seeds has been based near Dundas Ontario on a small farm since 1959. We have built and renovated buildings as the company has grown. The trial plots have outgrown our farm and we currently trial in a couple locations. Many of our family members have called 279 Hwy 8 home.

Our home base is centered around our storefront which houses aisles of seed packets. Each seed variety in our catalogue is represented in our store. During the winter months the store hums with activity as we are busy picking orders. Located to the west of our store is the greenhouse, a sunny and still place to be during the busy winter months.  We use our greenhouse for springtime plant sales and research. Our offices and germination lab are in the greenhouse’ head house. To the rear of the store is our seed warehouse this is where we receive seed from our suppliers, package and store seed. On the surrounding plots of land, we trial new seed varieties against proven ones seeking new flavours, better disease resistance, interesting colors, productivity and the list goes on.

We are curious growers; we are stricken by the transformation a little seed undergoes when it is sown in good soil and given what it needs to thrive. We find joy in simple meals crafted from food grown in our gardens. It is our aim to supply our customers with seeds of the highest quality and it is our hope that you find joy in sowing these seeds.


The beginning years

Top photo: William Dam Sr and Rene Dam weeding in Sarnia ON

Bottom photo: Maria Dam and children in sunflowers

The beginning years
The beginning years