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Mint, Lemon Bergamot

Monarda citriodora Lemon Mint. Used for flavouring teas, in salads, and attracting insects. Has lavender-pink flowers in whorls on spikes and lemon scented leaves. Grows in sun or part shade. Also see flower section for M. didyma.
Annual | Ht. 75cm/30” | 1000-2000 sds/gm.

Mint, Lemon Bergamot

Monarda citriodora Lemon Mint. Used for flavouring teas, in salads, and attracting insects. Has lavender-pink flowers in whorls on spikes and lemon scented leaves. Grows in sun or part shade. Also see flower section for M. didyma.
Annual | Ht. 75cm/30” | 1000-2000 sds/gm.

Size SKU Price Quantity Availability
Packet 5258A $3.25
Available to order
10 grams 5258B $6.95
Available to order
25 grams 5258C $13.95
Available to order
100 grams 5258D $37.85
Available to order