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Arugula, Voyager

Diplotaxis tenuifolia Improved wild rocket. This
selection from England is slower to bolt, more
vigorous, uniform, and upright than common wild
rocket. The leaves are thick, dark green in colour
and well serrated. It also has a more refined ‘sweet
with a punch’ flavour.
Pkt contains 400-500 sds.


Sow outdoors, seed planting depth: 1/8”
Seed sowing density: 30-50 seeds/ft
Row spacing: 12-14”


  • Sow outdoors from early spring to autumn every two weeks to insure steady supply; can be grown in glasshouse or tunnel during winter months
  • At a minimum soil temperature of 15C/60F, salad rocket will germinate in 3-5 days; wild rocket germinates in 7-9 days
  • Flea beetles are the main pest; control with floating row covers

Arugula, Voyager

Diplotaxis tenuifolia Improved wild rocket. This
selection from England is slower to bolt, more
vigorous, uniform, and upright than common wild
rocket. The leaves are thick, dark green in colour
and well serrated. It also has a more refined ‘sweet
with a punch’ flavour.
Pkt contains 400-500 sds.

Size SKU Price Quantity Availability
Packet 17A $2.75
Available to order
10 grams 17B $7.35
Available to order
25 grams 17C $12.20
Available to order
100 grams 17D $36.30
Available to order
450 grams 17E $111.80
Available to order