Tomatoes, Crokini Hybrid
Sweet, crunchy late blight resistant cherry tomato.
We have been testing the past years for a cherry
that is late blight resistant, manageable plant and
crack tolerant cherry sized fruits. While this is a
tall task Crokini has come the closest. It produces
beautiful 3/4"-1” 15-18gram deep red round
fruits packed with sweetness and flavour with the
perfect crunch. Sets crack tolerant fruits in cascade
bunches with 10-12 fruits per cluster. Plants are
a manageable tight indeterminate that do not over
grow the garden like other cherries. Strong disease
resistance suitable for outdoors and high tunnel
culture. (HR:LM A-E/F0/ToMV IR:/N/TYLCV/LB) 60-65 days
Pkt contains 9-10 seeds.