Grass Seed, Evergreen Mixture
Common Grass mixture for sun and shade.
(Not certified seed)
Contains: 40% Kentucky Blue, 35% Creeping Red Fescue, 15% Turf Type Perennial Rye, 10% Hard Fescue.
Seeding Rate: 1 kg per 1000 sq.ft
Catalogues are currently shipped out, due to the strike it should arrive mid January
Common Grass mixture for sun and shade.
(Not certified seed)
Contains: 40% Kentucky Blue, 35% Creeping Red Fescue, 15% Turf Type Perennial Rye, 10% Hard Fescue.
Seeding Rate: 1 kg per 1000 sq.ft
Common Grass mixture for sun and shade.
(Not certified seed)
Contains: 40% Kentucky Blue, 35% Creeping Red Fescue, 15% Turf Type Perennial Rye, 10% Hard Fescue.
Seeding Rate: 1 kg per 1000 sq.ft