Our physical store is closed till Jan 13 for inventory switch over

Greencrops, Winter Rye Organic

Jack of all trades as a cover crop, rye will quickly
provide ground cover even at cold temperatures.
Its extensive root system efficiently scavenges
excess nitrogen that would be otherwise lost over
the winter months. The root system of rye is much
more thorough than other cereal crops adding to its
desirability as a soil builder, and a means to reduce
compaction. Rye is among the last cover crop that
will germinate and grow below 5C. This means the
planting window is very wide depending on what the
intent of the crop is. Mow and incorporate before
seed is set. After incorporation allow 4-5 weeks
before seeding into.

Greencrops, Winter Rye Organic

Jack of all trades as a cover crop, rye will quickly
provide ground cover even at cold temperatures.
Its extensive root system efficiently scavenges
excess nitrogen that would be otherwise lost over
the winter months. The root system of rye is much
more thorough than other cereal crops adding to its
desirability as a soil builder, and a means to reduce
compaction. Rye is among the last cover crop that
will germinate and grow below 5C. This means the
planting window is very wide depending on what the
intent of the crop is. Mow and incorporate before
seed is set. After incorporation allow 4-5 weeks
before seeding into.

Size SKU Price Quantity Availability
2 kilos 4892A $13.95

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5 kilos 4892B $19.50

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10 kilos 4892C $37.95

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22.5 kilos 4892D $61.75

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