Endive, Green Curled Ruffec
‘Frisee type'. Crisp and tender leaves for salads and
garnishing. Rich green, finely cut, curled leaves which
can be blanched to creamy white by tying. 70 days
Pkt contains 600-800 sds.
Catalogues are currently shipped out, due to the strike it should arrive mid January
‘Frisee type'. Crisp and tender leaves for salads and
garnishing. Rich green, finely cut, curled leaves which
can be blanched to creamy white by tying. 70 days
Pkt contains 600-800 sds.
‘Frisee type'. Crisp and tender leaves for salads and
garnishing. Rich green, finely cut, curled leaves which
can be blanched to creamy white by tying. 70 days
Pkt contains 600-800 sds.